The Definitive opinion of Cam Newton as a New England Patriot
Well, Fuck.
Look, is this exciting? Yes. Does this have potential? Yes. Cam Newton is a stud, former MVP, number 1 over all pick, national champion, been to a Superbowl, freak athlete. The name has buzz and deserves headlines. Howevah! My initial reaction was word for word “You have to be fucking kidding me. I might have to become a Bucs fan.”
Boston likes dirt dogs that value winning, the team, and the city over everything else. You could even see it with Brady toward the end as he turned into a walking info-merical for TB12. He just got a pass because ya know, winning for 20 years. But Cam Newton? This show boating front runner? The guy who refused to jump on a fumble in the SUPERBOWL?! Then made excuses and sulked off the podium in the presser? We as Boston fans will eat that shit up like a bowl of Flutie Flakes. Now to be fair that was several years ago. Me at 26 and me at 31 are very, very different people. (Ask my wife). But, this is the type of player that dabs and Superman’s during touchdowns and sulks on the bench when losing. This is type of player that is as concerned as much if not more about CAM NEWTON, Inc than the team. Tom Fucking Brady just got ran out of town for acting this way. Maybe he has matured and understands that with the position comes the pressure and leadership, but he has a lot to prove in this category. Mostly, he needs to eliminate his heavy case of THE QUITS.
So, what exactly are we getting?
Per reports the Patriots were the only team to show any interest in Cam Newton this off season. There are a few factors to take into consideration here none smaller than the fact that he is coming off two major injuries that have kept him off the field since early last year. (Shoulder and foot) It should also be noted that the Panthers waited until late March to cut him which basically screwed his market but, let’s be honest if Brady only had the Bucs to fall back on it seems like it was a weak QB market. Plus, Covid-19 comes crashing down and no one can bring him in for a physical. But, how much of the wait was on Newton? What was he asking for in terms of money and role? Well, I don’t believe Cam Newton at just 31 years old looking for a back up role, so when you combine the factors you get a guy looking for a prove it deal as a starter. Low risk, high upside, cheap money, and big splash in the headlines to challenge Brady’s quarantine work outs; enter Bill Belichick.
For this to work it needs to be another “Bill special” a la Darrell Revis, Randy Moss, and hopefully not Chad Ochocino, Albert Haynesworth. Bill needs to do what he does best which is recognize a skill set and tailor his role to best take advantage of that skill set. This is not a OLB or a third down RB though. This is your starting QB in the NFL. IF Bill and Cam and Josh McDaniels can come together and develop an offense with a motivated healthy Cam Newtown, watch out NFL.
The idea of pulling in some of the stuff he was doing with McCaffery in his rookie year now with James White and Rex Burkhead seems like it could work. I am also of the opinion that adjusting his style of play will help Cam. You are not going to last long in the NFL taking the hits that he has taken as he tries to navigate his 30’s. If the Pats can get him to play a more scripted game relying on his arm for short concise passes on prolonged drives that will benefit and lengthen his career. Even learning to dare I say throw it away as opposed to scrambling for 12 yards and taking a shot to his blind side or even sliding and aggravating something. Shit starts breaking a lot easier in your 30’s than your 20’s and there is no more magic TB12 oils in Foxboro remember.
If they can’t figure this out early he needs to be cut. Cam Newton is not a back up. If he is on the sideline it is an un needed distraction for Stidham who then would be in the shadows of two MVPs. It just seems very unlikely to me Bill would go this way barring an injury situation to Newton.
Speaking of Stidham. What does this say of him as the air apparent to Brady? Hard to say. It was reported that the Patriots loved him as a rookie, but like Garrapolo they liked him in the starting role as a 3rd year player. So the plan was to sucker Brady back here for one more year of passive aggressive teenage girl tweets and turn it over to Stidham in 2021. When Belichick failed to make that happen the team started pumping the tires on Stidham as the starter. What happened between then and the Cam signing? Who knows. I believe Bill always liked Cam as an option and was waiting for the the market to play out. Either way Stidham is now slated as your back up and I don’t care what anyone says about “earning the job” for Newton. LIsten, if Cam comes in and sucks the first month and a half of the season I think Belichick cuts him and claims Stidham won the job over Newton. Win win right? That’s why they call Belichick a genius. It’s not about his master plan, it’s about his ability to adapt and manipulate. Do not get that twisted. Jury is still out on Stidham.
The concerns with Cam Newton as a player start with his injury concerns. If he is healthy coming into camp that’s number 1. Number 2 is can he stay healthy? Newton’s biggest strength is as a rusher and play maker. With a major foot injury (Liz Franke) that has ended multiple WR's careers how much can he rely on his heavy rushing ability as his career prolongs. If the answer to that is considered diminishing then he needs to improve as a passer. And by improve I mean not suck. He has only thrown over 60% completion in 3 seasons out of 9. Oh by the way he also only has a winning record in 3 out of 9 seasons. I mean let’s just face facts. Cam Newton is a decent, marginal QB right now with upside. Best case scenario is the Patriots can tap into a motivated player and maximize his potential. Down side is it’s the most important position in sports. You can’t hide a guy chucking ducks into stands.
This may be the most jarring idea of Cam Newton as the Patriots QB. After 20 years of precision passes from the pocket how is New England going to respond to a guy who drills Edleman in the cleats on 3rd and 6? Or miss a wide open James White for an easy check down as he scrambles around playing hero ball? Sure, that may be unfair. Could Stidham have fill Brady shoes in that department? Fuck no. The difference here is we have taken the expectations from let’s cheer on a 4th round underdog hoping for an 8-8 record and replaced it with swapping a MVP for a MVP, who by the way is 12 years younger, and now the expectation is a Superbowl run. The expectation is now Tom Brady. With expectations now so high, disappointment is a much more realistic outlook than winning the Superbowl. So much for a stress reduced season.
And if they get off to a bad start, particularly Newton. It’s going to be ugly. This is where I loose faith in Cam Newton as your QB and leader of your team. Tom Brady was ridiculed for his temper tantrums on the side lines over the years, but I will take that over sulking in his towel hoody every single time. That is unacceptable. That shit will put you in the David Price pile of suck real quick.
So, my advice. Keep the dabs in check and if you play like ass, say you played like ass. You own your shit and show some grit, you’ll be just fine in Boston. Never mind, the fact it’s still the Patriots and AFC East. Wins should still be coming pretty fast and furious especially if Cam Newton can revert close to his potential and capitulate to “The Patriots Way” to an extent
This has certainly taken what was slated to be an already interesting season considering the pandemic and the departure of Brady and ramped it right back to the front page nationally. (lets start prepping for another cheating scandal now). My initial reaction to this as a fan was Fuck No! I wanted to watch the underdog story with our back against the wall, everyone doubting the Pats with out Brady, Belichick vs Brady success., etc. Now it is viewed as replacing a MVP with a MVP and another Superbowl run is the only way we can consider this a successful season. I still lack the confidence that Cam can come in and be what everyone expects him to be (MVP Cam), but I am allowing myself to have hope that in this prove it year he balls out and gives Stidham the year to mature. Hope is dangerous. Let’s just hope all games are in hand in the 4th and Cam still has knees in the playoffs.
In Bill we trust. I guess.