Birds are Nature's Deadliest Predator

In this special episode the Doctors welcome on their first guests. A couple of special senior citizens who weigh in on this week’s topic purely from decades of personal experiences. The Cackling Hens of New England join the Doctors to discuss Birds of Prey!

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Rich McPhee
Girl Scout Cookies are Overrated

Girl Scouts bring joy to a wide swath of the population every spring with there array of delicious cookies. However, there are some who do not truly value the work of these brave adolescents and would dare call them overrated. Find out how the doctors feel about it.

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Rich McPhee
HOV Lanes suck

The HOV lane in principle makes a lot of sense. In practicality it leads to road rage which is a leading cause of heightened blood pressure among drivers dealing with daddy issues.

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Rich McPhee
Cream Cheese is not a Cheese

Friendships were nearly shattered in this great debate. It can be understood as the subject matter is of epic proportions. The fate of Cream Cheese and it’s definition as a true cheese is to be decided, so The Doctors left it all out on the field.

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Rich McPhee
Baseball is the hardest sport to play

The Houston Astros have been caught in a egregious cheating scandal. In an effort to improve their batting performances the Astros were using technology and trash cans to steal signs and relay them to hitters in real time. Their integrity is ruined, but is the motivation warranted? Everyone knows baseball is the hardest sport to play. Or is it?

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Rich McPhee
Adam Sandler should have retired in 1999

Adam Sandler is a comedic legend. But what does it take for a legend to reach a status of say Janis Joplin or Jimmy Hendricks? Does a career cut short but full of the greatest material that artist has to offer launch such artist into the spectrum of immortality? What if this artist made the courageous decision to end it on their own accord? Could Adam Sandler be the Kurt Cobain of comedy but alive!? If he simply retired into the sunset after his greatest comedic performances, some say yes. The Doctors debate.

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Rich McPhee
Kids are dumb

“We all know to not touch something hot, that’s instinct. Children do not have instinct, therefore they are the dumbest creatures in the world. I mean think about it… A deer can walk and shit by itself within 4 hours… a baby, 24 months at best.”

- Knowledgeable human

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Rich McPhee